C o n v e r g e S o l


In the realm of modern web development, performance is a key concern. Users expect fast and responsive web applications, regardless of the complexity of the underlying logic. Angular, a popular JavaScript framework, offers various tools and techniques to optimize performance, and one such feature is Deferrable Views. In this blog, we'll delve into the concept of Angular Deferrable Views, exploring its significance, implementation, and how it contributes to enhancing the overall performance of Angular applications.

Introduction to Deferrable Views
Deferrable Views is a feature introduced in Angular to optimize the rendering process of components. It leverages the concept of differential rendering, which involves computing the difference between the previous and current states of the view and applying only the necessary updates to the DOM (Document Object Model). This approach minimizes unnecessary re-rendering, resulting in improved performance, especially in applications with frequently changing data.

Angular DeferrableViews

How Deferrable Views Work
At the core of Deferrable Views lies the Angular's Change Detection mechanism. Angular automatically tracks changes to the application state and triggers the necessary updates to keep the UI in sync. Deferrable Views optimize this process by employing a more granular approach to change detection.

When a component's data or state changes, Angular's change detection mechanism kicks in. Instead of re-rendering the entire component and its children, Deferrable Views compares the previous and current states of the component's view. It identifies the specific parts of the view that have changed and updates only those portions in the DOM. This selective rendering minimizes the computational overhead, resulting in faster rendering times and a more responsive user interface.

Implementing Deferrable Views in Angular
Implementing Deferrable Views in Angular is relatively straightforward, thanks to Angular's built-in support for change detection and view rendering optimizations. Developers can leverage Angular's ChangeDetectionStrategy to configure how change detection is performed for a particular component.

By default, Angular uses the Default Change Detection Strategy, which checks the entire component tree for changes on every change detection cycle. However, for components where performance is critical, developers can opt for the OnPush Change Detection Strategy. This strategy instructs Angular to only re-run change detection for a component when its input properties change or when an event is fired within the component.

Additionally, developers can further optimize performance by utilizing Angular's trackBy function in conjunction with ngFor directives. By providing a unique identifier for each item in a collection, Angular can more efficiently track changes and update the DOM only for the items that have changed

Benefits of Deferrable Views
The adoption of Deferrable Views in Angular applications offers several benefits:

  1. Improved Performance: By minimizing unnecessary re-renders and DOM manipulations, Deferrable Views significantly enhance the performance of Angular applications, especially those with dynamic data.
  2. Reduced CPU and Memory Usage: Differential rendering reduces the computational overhead associated with rendering large and complex views, leading to lower CPU utilization and memory consumption.
  3. Enhanced User Experience: Faster rendering times result in a smoother and more responsive user experience, ultimately leading to higher user satisfaction and engagement.


In the quest for building high-performance web applications, Angular Deferrable Views emerge as a powerful tool in the developer's arsenal. By employing a differential rendering approach, Deferrable Views minimize unnecessary re-renders, optimize DOM manipulation, and ultimately deliver a faster and more responsive user experience. As developers continue to push the boundaries of web development, embracing techniques like Deferrable Views becomes increasingly essential in building efficient and scalable Angular applications.

Incorporating Deferrable Views into Angular applications empowers developers to create high-performance web applications that meet the demands of today's users while maintaining scalability and maintainability. By understanding the principles behind Deferrable Views and leveraging Angular's built-in optimizations, developers can unlock the full potential of the framework and deliver exceptional user experiences.

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